Well established vet clinic near Mulgrave




Veterinary clinic operating for over 17 years on current site and vendor looking for retirement
Lease is $45k per annum and long lease available with extension options
Over 3,900 registered customers base and still growing
Practice consists of consulting room, surgery-X ray, preparation & recovery rooms
Lots of space to add more consulting room etc
Easy to manage with 2 to 3 staff
Opening only 9 to 5.30pm weekdays and Saturday half day
Easy to increase revenue by opening longer hours
Annual turnover $450k with excellent take-home profit
All Equipment included in the sale including Dental machine, Digital X ray, index machine, monitory equipment etc
Asking a fair $290,000

Category 178
Building 0

Dinesh Hettiarachchi

Call: (03)706 54 078
Mobile: 0402600438
Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m. EST,
Sat 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. EST, Sunday Closed